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Pride & Pedigree

Nora had seen enough of Mr. Rutherford's behavior to know that the man had nothing to offer that would tempt her.


When Alastair Rutherford III’s prized dam fraternizes with a mongrel, he meets Nora. Perhaps pedigree is not as important as love.

Thoughts & Feelings

If you are a fan of Pride and Prejudice you HAVE to read this novella! Jennifer Moore did an amazing job creating a unique and captivating story while tying in all of the Darcy and Elizabeth moments and attitudes that we love.

I absolutely LOVED that Alastair and Nora were thrown together all because of a roaming dog. And that their paths continued to cross because of it. The relationship seemed to grow and blossom very naturally and didn't feel rushed. I am always amazed when authors can wrap you up in a book, make you love the characters, and had an excellently paced story all within a novella.

My favorite moment of this novella was the library scene. You guys, I need a picture of this library!

As she continued her circuit, she glanced through an open door on the other side and stopped, staring at the library. The sheer number of books was astounding, reaching up two stories with a walkway around the upper level.

Doesn't that just make you want to see source pictures or have someone sketch the library as Jennifer Moore describes everything she was imagining? It is mentioned in the book that Alastair's mother (and a potential wife) are not fans of the library and would rather have it turned into a ballroom. A BALLROOM! So not only is this magical library two stories tall BUT it is large enough to be a ballroom! I need to see this library so badly. I would live there forever in my comfy chair surrounded by books. Is it any surprise that this was my favorite moment?

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Book Information

Title: Pride & Pedigree

Series: part of the Horses, Hounds, & Happily Ever After Vol 1 collection

also featured in the Saddles & Scoundrels collection

Author: Jennifer Moore

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