"What if she won't have me?" Willard asked.
"Then she deserves to be miserable."
Charlene begs Willard for help selecting a spouse, only to learn the man beside her is her ideal match.
Thoughts & Feelings
Chalon Linton finished off the first volume of Horses, Hounds, and Happily Ever After with her novella Waiting for Willard. This was such a cute and easy to read novella. I was immediately caught in the story and found myself on edge waiting for the confessions of love to start rolling.
This story occurs at a house party held at our leading lady's home. This house party is specifically designed for Charlene to meet and potentially find a husband. And all the guests know it. I know this was probably fairly common during the regency period but I feel like this would be so embarrassing! "Welcome to our home, want to marry my daughter?" You guys, I just can't! Although, truth be told I would love to be a fly on the wall or one of the girls that was invited to even out the numbers.
Anyways, I tell you all this because I kind of loved all of the awkward getting to know you flirtation moments. I love that Chalon let us see the group as a whole and that through Charlene's eyes we got to see who was flirting or spending time together. I also love/hated one man in particular. I won't say his name so that nothing is spoiled but the more he was around the less I liked him. He gives off very specific vibes and I would LOVE to know what his deal is. Like I need George, Charlene's brother, and his best friend, Willard, to "hire a man" to investigate him because something is not right. I'm just not sure what and I'm dying to know.
I also love how big of a part Charlene's family plays in this story. Not only are we "told" that her family is close but we actually see that. We see the family rally around both Charlene and George throughout the story. I love that the Trimbles have welcomed Willard into their family and genuinely love and treat him as a son.
Book Tags
Steam Level
clean, kissing
Content & Trigger Warnings
Book Information
Title: Waiting for Willard
Series: Horses, Hounds, & Happily Ever After Vol. 1
Author: Chalon Linton
This anthology is currently out of print.